
ori tutu

it's still a struggle...

thankfully, as i write this, i'm not financially strapped. but i do need to clean the house. and buy soap...lol.

more than anything, i'm wondering what needs to be done to ensure that these inconveniences and setbacks do not continue.

is something trying to get my attention?
is there something i need to repel?

is it just the usual bullshit that tries to keep you down when you get your foot on the path? the fkupedness of urban living?

whatever it is, i firmly intend to nip it in the bud. posthaste.

p.s.--as long as i have your attention, please rent/buy/somehow see this movie. it was made in the 80s, so the special effects can be laughter-inducing. but if you can get past that, it's an amazing example of our how our ancestors triumphed over the brutality of slavery. maferefun egungun!


trE said...

why do I always find myself in agreement w/ you?

"is something trying to get my attention?
is there something i need to repel?

is it just the usual bullshit that tries to keep you down when you get your foot on the path? the fkupedness of urban living?"

be quick, but take your time. a friend said this to me once, it took me a minute, but... oh, I caught his drift.

creatrix said...


sometimes i think it's just a coincidence...but then i remember i don't really believe in coincidence. lol.

all told, i still feel safe overall, but these little inconveinent violations and thefts are aggravating, to say the least.