
another battle...

the last few weeks have been a lesson in purification, transition, metamorphosis, and some other things. it seems that a lot of the things that happened in late 2006 and early 2007 have started to take a physical toll. the last few days haven't been fun, but they have been enlightening in their own way.

in the aftermath, i've decided to renew my commitment to restart my yoga practice--twice a week if i can help it. i recognize now how it kept my energy and breath flowing in a positive way.

i may start keeping a food diary so i can reevaluate my food choices. the vegetarianism keeps me in a better place than a lot of ppl i know, but i may need to start using some herbs & other supplements to keep myself functioning optimally.

i need to surround myself with healing crystals and motivational thoughts.

my time is coming, and i want to be well enough to enjoy it fully.



trE said...

i admire your discipline...

truly, i do.

creatrix said...

thank you...

it's kind of outta my hands. i really hate being sick, and i can't remember a time when it's happened as often/for as long a stretch as it has this year. so i'm just trying to take note & see what i can learn from it...