
the case against god

(hey...that's actually a book title...)

between last night's episode of wife swap and a pbs show that talked about the surge of atheist literature, i started wondering about atheism.

granted, i really don't care whether or not ppl believe in god. i tend to think that ppl who are overly concerned with atheists lack a certain amount of faith--however loudly declared--themselves. but i digress.

someone once said--and i paraphrase--that since god is everywhere & in everything, atheism in free-will having humans is just god doubting itself. in essence, the creative force having a little fun by asking the question "am i really here?".

i could definitely see that.

the thing that bothers me is, how come the only thing they seem to be against is christianity? the more broadly minded ones throw judaism and islam into the mix, but...those are only three religious ideologies. all of which, mind you, are variations on the same theme and have seemingly countless sects--including mystic traditions that, when studied, are almost nothing like the more orthodox, literal, and/or fundamentalist side of things.

still, aren't they aware that there are a ton of other spiritual systems out there?

what about buddhism? in many buddhist traditions, buddha is not seen as a god, but an ideal. an example of an enlightened life. and even he didn't start off that way, so there's no pressure to be perfect right away.

secular humanists seem to be riding this kind of line, but with all their emphasis on morality, their dismissal of any sort of higher power is almost funny. it's like watching a baby who's just learning how to crawl do that backward sideways crab thing. we're gonna reject god just 'cause. they seem to wanna shout, "i can be human without YOU!"

how about things like martial arts or yoga? nothing religious, yet each is intensely spiritual in its execution. go to yoga maybe twice a week for a month and try not to internalize the divinity of something as simple as breathing. i dare you.

not all atheists are cut from the same cloth, i'm aware. but all i hear from a lot of the louder ones is anti-christian backlash.

that's not the only game in town, people.

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