
dang it (c) hank hill

i forgot my lavender oil for my temples this morning

hopefully my head won't throb ALL day...

i could just be slightly dehydrated.
or tired.
my headwrap could be too tight
my hair too heavy
or some combination of the above.

this past year as been one of the most tumultuous that i've had in some time. there have been a lot of changes, a lot of shifts. for the longest time, i've been feeling like i'm being prepared for big changes...and now i'm finally getting a glimpse as to what those changes are.

i've cried more than i've wanted to, but they have been purifying tears. temporary birthing pains. the real change begins after i've let all that bad water seep out of me and fill myself back up with sweet, nurturing things.

yeye oshun has me in her hands, and she's not about to let go. so i might as well lean back and enjoy the ride. i know that her joy and abundance are crucial to my rebirth.

here goes nothing.

today i am grateful for clear water & honey

1 comment:

PretaMulatta said...

damn. been there. prolly going back there b4 i fall asleep tonight.

woke up with tmj from residual stress i didnt know was lurking about the other day. being conscious of it is half the battle.

breathe deep. this is the beginning of jewish new year, so i lend u a ritual from my ancestors on that side: dip an apple in some honey & savor the sweetness that is in the year 2 come 4 u.

claim it.